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          Home | Simplified Chinese | Japanese


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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Announcement No. 1 of the First Session of the 17th Changzhou People's Congress
        Font:〖L M S

        The chairperson, vice-chairpersons and secretary-general of the Standing Committee of the 17th Changzhou Municipal People's Congress have been elected by Changzhou People’s Congress from its deputies for a five-year term. They are:

        Chairperson: Ms. Bai Yunping

        Vice-chairpersons: Mr. Han Jiuyun, Mr. Fang Guoqiang, Ms. Xu Zheng, Mr. Chen Zhengchun, and Mr. Dai Shifu

        Secretary-general: Mr. Gao Honghua.

        Presidium of the First Session of the 17th Changzhou Municipal People's Congress

        February 26, 2022


        Sponsored by: General Office and Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government All rights reserved
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